Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter 2008-9 Trip


Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue in Safed. The box on the right says "break in case of need for emergency matza".

The Old City of Jerusalem from Mt.Olives.

Making the desert bloom.


Anat's got ups in Neve Tzedek!

Over one thousand feet below see level. A salted rock in the Dead Sea.

New desert transport.

Old desert transport. Baby camel was two days old, you should have seen this thing try and stand on its ridiculously long and thin legs.

My last morning at Beerotayim, very close to the Egytian Border.

Where's that trail marker?! Lost in Timna.

the beautiful streets of Safed (also know as Tzfat, Tsfat, Zafat...)

cat in a box (cindy(rella)

The ancient Nabatean city of Shivta.

The Southern church in Shivta

My ma, in Eilat. Jordan's coast in the background.

New Years with Anat at Barzilay Club.

East Jerusalem.

Pablo! Mt.Olives in back.

where my mom sleeps.

Our hotel in Eilat, the Orchid. Coral Reef in foreground.